
15 February 2007

Walk to Dentist

So, I am off to have a procedure performed at the dental clinic in the Rangammal Hospital compound. So with as much enthusiasm as one would expect from someone heading to a dentist office (wherever that dentist may be located!) I decide to take a nice, peaceful walk through the countryside instead of going by noisy auto rickshaw.

These workers are getting fields ready for the planting of paddy (rice). The workers are probably local coolies hired by the day. Its unlikely that they would be owners of the land.

Above a very nice photograph of a woodpecker trying to further demolish a damaged and beaten up tree.

The areas surrounding Tiruvannamalai are all working, agricultural lands. Now its time for rice planting. In this area there is also cultivation currently of peanut, sunflower, marigold, chilli plant, root vegetable and legumes. But in the above picture, definitely paddy is on the agenda!

Coming up to the statue of Periyar, a very revered and now deceased political leader of this area who did a vast amount to raise and uplift hitherto depressed communities.

Made it to the compound of Rangammal Hospital. Here is some of the nice, peaceful grounds of their 6 acre compound. Local, indigenous trees that don't require huge amounts of water are planted and Hospital visitors and outpatients, enjoy relaxing in the peaceful and well maintained compound.

Made it to the Dental Clinic. Oh, Well! I always have that beautiful walk home to look forward to!

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