
11 March 2007

Eleventh 5-Year Plan

The State Planning Commission (SPC) recently announced that the Eleventh Five-Year-Plan (2007-12) of Tamil Nadu would address economic disparities among Districts. In this respect Districts such as; Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram and Dharmapuri are lagging behind in population, education, public health, infant mortality and agricultural growth.

Taking these factors into consideration the State Planning Commission proposes devising techniques to boost growth in the above-mentioned Districts. Efforts would be taken to achieve an overall 8.5% economic growth in the State, during the eleventh 5-Plan period (2007-2012). Since there was a slump in the growth rate of the agricultural sector during the last two five-year-plan periods, pains would be made to ensure a 4% growth in this sector during 2007-12, thus ensuring long term food security.

Currently 14,000,000 people are living below the poverty line in Tamil Nadu and it is proposed that the State Planning Commission should come up with effective measures to mitigate poverty in its final proposal for the Eleventh Plan, which would be available in two months. To read the working committee approach papers subsequent to the upcoming final proposal of the eleventh 5-Year Plan please refer to:


  1. Um, are there copies of reports from the other 5-year plans, what was actually done to implement them, and how much progress was made?
