
11 March 2007

Land Redistribution

The third phase of free land distribution scheme of two-acre plots to poor and agricultural labourers will be launched at Chennavaram village, Tiruvannamalai District on March 17, 2007.

The State scheme, one of the major poll promises for the DMK government in its first two phases released 50,077 acres amongst 50,189 families. An official release said that about 2,500,000 acres would be distributed across the State in the third phase.

There are 640 acres in one square mile. Thus If the above official figures are correct, the Statewide total of all phases of the redistribution of land will come to approximately 4,000 square miles. Which is a sizeable chunk of the total area of the 50,215 sq miles total area of Tamil Nadu.

The Department of Agriculture will develop the land before handing it to the farmers. Works including land reclamation, contour bunding, clearing of bushes and wild growth, agronomical practices, removal of stones, sinking of deep borewells, soil testing and establishment of pump sets are to be done by the Department of Agriculture free of cost for the benefit of small and marginal farmers.


  1. Wow development of land before gifting it, I never heard of that! Sounds wonderful if they actually do it!

  2. I would prefer the Government keeping control of all of the wasteland and making conservation and protected areas for wildlife.

    The danger is when you start chopping up large swathes of land into 2 acre plots that eventually the land gets developed and the whole thing turns into a polluted, developed area.
