
30 April 2007

AEED Trust

The AEED Trust (Arunachala Education and Environment Development Trust), was set up in 2006 for the purpose of addressing such issues as pollution of; noise, water and land in this locality. This area comprises a total of approximately 750,000 people in the following villages: Anaipiranthan, Athiyandal, Usalimedu, Kaveriyampoondi, Ayyampalayam, Ayyampalayam Pudier, Chinnakottankal, Periyakottankal, Adi Annamalai, Kosalai, Adaiyur, Vengikkal and hamlet villages and also the town of Tiruvannamalai itself.

Already substantial success is evident from the work of the AEED Trust; one major outcome being that during the recently completed Margazhi month at the beginning of this year, the usual noise pollution of early morning Temple music was severely curtailed. In this respect most Temples made efforts to fall in line with the announced 'restrictions of loud speakers in Tiruvannamalai and surrounds' by not operating their speaker systems between 10p.m. to 6a.m., and during the allowed broadcasting times 6a.m. to 10p.m., noise was restricted to 40 decibels, and in all cases box type speakers, instead of funnel types were instructed to be used.

P.K. Dhananjayan (Trustee)

To inform the general public about the hazards of noise, water and land pollution, rallies have been organised by AEED throughout the area. At these rallies it is emphasized that Tiruvannamalai is predominantly a spiritual and pilgrimage centre attracting vast crowds to visit and enjoy the benefits of giripradakshina (circumbulation of the Hill). This is one of the primary reasons that efforts should be maintained; to ensure a calm and peaceful ambiance throughout the area. In addition to visiting pilgrims, particularly during the time of full moon and the Karthigai Deepam festival, ordinary residents of the area including school children need to be protected from the harmful effects of noise pollution. It has been shown that noise pollution leads to a loss of peace, physical and mental disease, stress, lack of attention and an inability to concentrate. These severe consequences affect all living beings including our animal brethren.

In the case of water pollution, AEED concentrates on placing emphasis on extolling the merits of reforestation and also in protecting and ensuring purity of all water resources. The Trust also addresses requirements associated with air pollution especially in relation to automobile smoke and the firing of non-degradable materials affecting atmospheric oxygen. An important part of maintaining cleanliness and order around Arunachala is the avoidance of plastic which as well as being grossly unsightly, is dangerous to all animals and also hazardous to natural water courses and channels. In this respect AEED, as well as maintaining observation of 'regular hill clean-up', is also attempting to educate merchants and others in the need to avoid plastic wares and return to the previously used types of paper and leaf plates and cups.

Arunachala Grace will be maintaining close contact with AEED Trust in supporting their efforts of converting Tiruvannamalai area into a pure and healthy environment for all its inhabitants (man and creature) and visitors.

If you wish to get in touch direct with this organisation, please contact:

P.K. Dhananjayan (Trustee)
Phone: +91-94426-37450

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