
9 April 2007

Chemical Insecticides

Efforts are underway to minimise loss in food grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables because of attacks by pests and insets. Nearly 40% of the total fruits and vegetable production in India is lost to insects and pests.

The Central Institute of Post Harvesting Engineering and Technology (Ludhiana) is actively engaged national surveys to find out the quantity of food grains lost due to various factors. It is believed that insects account for 10% of food grains and seeds.

Chemical insecticides and fumigants have been made obsolete by insects. A professor from the Department of Entomology, Annamalai University, Chennai stated that:

"There are 31 insects which have developed resistance to more than 100 insecticides. In this respect we hope to come out with eco-friendly herbal insecticides and fumigants by 2011 which will put an end to chemical insecticides."

Entomologists from all over India have formed a network group of grain storage specialists to co-ordinate research and development activities.

The work currently underway in both Ludhiana and Chennai is crucial to the economic well-being of Tiruvannamalai District. This is an area that has little industry or commercial development and a successful agricultural programme is essential to the economic stability of the District.

1 comment:

  1. "Nearly 40% of the total fruits and vegetable production in India is lost to insects and pests."

