
24 April 2007

May Newsletter

The May issue of Arunachala Grace Newsletter will be sent out directly to your inbox at the end of the week. If you do not already have a free subscription to Arunachala Grace News; which gives updates and information about this month at Tiruvannamalai, then you can use the 'subscribe' facility on this Blog which you will find at the left hand column underneath the 'email' banner.

This month's Arunachala Grace News, includes an article on the legend of the upcoming Wesak, which is globally believed to occur during the most powerful full moon of the yearly calendar. A narrative about a Herbal Farm on the girivalam road and our usual article on a specific herb/fruit (this month we concentrate on the properties of 'amla', the Indian Gooseberry). May issue of Arunachala Grace News also includes poems, sayings, a short story about a 'non-fighting bird' and information about new hotels and ashrams in this area. We also give an update on the attempts of a local organisation that is spearheading an anti-noise pollution campaign in the Arunachala area.

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