
19 May 2007

Gemini Festival

The Festival of Goodwill occurs during the Gemini Full Moon and celebrates the spirit of humanity and is dedicated to right human relations aligned with the will of God. This is a Festival of deep invocation, of an aspiration towards fellowship, of humanity and spiritual unity.

The Festival is the third great lunar festival of the year, following the Easter Festival (Aries Moon) and the Wesak Festival (Taurus Moon) and coincides with the upcoming full moon of May 31.

The Festival of Goodwill will be the third and final one of the three major festivals in the spiritual
year and it is called the Festival of Goodwill, or the Festival of Humanity. Whereas the first two of these festivals are concerned with the dispensations being given out to humanity from God's messengers, this one is a uniquely human festival.

It relates us to the Divine in all of us in a way that the other full moon festivals do not. As such, the focus of this full moon is upon brotherhood, fellowship and our collective aspiration to God. It is a kind of dispersing festival, because it shows the effect in human consciousness of the work of Divine Will and Love as given out in the previous two festivals, and it gives some indications as to what we can expect in the fabric of human civilization for the coming year as a result.

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