
3 June 2007

Compulsory Helmets

Last week, the Madras (Chennai) High Court refused to stay the rule mandating motorcyclists and pillion riders to wear helmets from June 1, 2007 in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiurchy, Salem and Tirunelveli. So now that the above cities have no further recourse open to them and a 'helmet regulations' comes into effect on June 1st, it looks like sooner rather than later, compulsory helmets for motorcyclists and pillion riders will also be imposed upon the rest of Tamil Nadu after the intial trial period in selected, major cities.

I had a chat with several Tiruvannamalai motorcyclists asking them whether they thought such a regulation could be practically enforced in Tiruvannamalai; the question was generally met with roars of laughter.

Another consideration for Tiruvannamalai would be even if the motorcyclist and pillion passenger did indeed wear helmets; what about the rest of the people on the bike; which can often number up to 5 or 6!?

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