
31 July 2007

New Style Blog

Finally made a change to the colour and style of Arunachala Grace Blog and hope that this version is easier to read. The old Blog looked nice, but was actually quite difficult on the eyes and some people suggested I change it. I'm still experimenting with this new version but personally find the colours much more cheerful and pleasing and also the photographs stand out nicely.

This last week at Arunachala has been really cold as we are in the midst of a weather front that has brought with it, chilly weather and lots of rain. The weather forecast has promised us relief by Thursday and I will be delighted to see the back of this freezing cold drizzle.

I visited some newly built houses today to check rents on behalf of friends and was amazed when I heard the prices. Definitely Arunachala has finally moved into modern times! That also applies to land, but curiously it is the foreign visitors who are more shocked by land prices than the Indians. When people come from Chennai or Mumbai and hear the price of an acre, they immediately say, 'Wow, thats cheap!". However, overseas visitors are staggered by land prices at Tiruvannamalai and say, 'That's twice as much as I would pay in my own country!' A wonderful irony that the Indians think the land is cheap and the overseas visitors think it expensive!


  1. I love the new colors and agree that it is easier on the eyes and makes the pictures stand out crisp and clear!

    SO funny about how Indians think the land prices are cheap and foreigners think it is expensive! Still, prices must be vastly different in villages, tourist spots and big cities.

  2. Thanks for your thumbs up about the new style Blog Divyakka.

    Yes its true about land prices and the shocked reaction by westerners. But the truth is land at Tiruvannamalai is a fraction of what it costs at Chennai - and the land at Chennai is just a drop in the bucket compared to land at Bombay.

    Personally I don't know how people from this country can afford to buy land here at all!
