
29 August 2007

Newsletter Information

Due to computer problems, I have been unable to make up-to-date postings on this blog, but hopefully these difficulties will be resolved over the next few days, at which time I hope to recontinue with regular Blog postings.

The September issue of Arunachala Grace Newsletter is due to be sent out this week, so if you are not yet a free subscriber to the monthly Newsletter, please become so by clicking on the subscriber facility at the left hand margin of this Blog.

This month's Newsletter contains Arunachala tid-bits, the second part of information on the beautiful Rajarajeshwari Temple, information of developing resources at Swami Nithyananda's Arunachala Ashram, information on Lord Ganesha; his upcoming Chaturthi and a link to information about the sad ecological results of his grand festival. As usual in the Newsletter we give information about a plant locally produced in this area, this month we focus on the homely 'garlic' with news about its medicinal properties and also Sri Ramana Maharshi's talk on the history of garlic. The Arunachala animal focussed this month is the quaint and quirky white crested water hen.

As well as the above, there is also the usual narratives, inspirational quotes and poems.

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