
17 September 2007

Quo Vadis Inauguration

iThis week on the 15th September, the evening of Ganesha Chaturthi, the inauguration of Quo Vadis, the new Interfaith Dialogue Center in Tiruvannamalai, was celebrated.

While waiting for guests and visitors for the evening function, a few last minute touch-ups in the library and reading room.

While last minute touchups are going on, in preparation for the 'cutting of the ribbons' upstairs, some traditional music is being played by members of Quo Vadis Harmony Group.

A guest from the U.K. is one of the first to experience the Internet facility.

In the below photograph, part of the collection of local paintings waiting to be placed around the Quo Vadis facility.

As always, in Indian functions there is the traditional and symbolic jyoti lamp, rangoli and flowers.

Dignitaries, included the Bishop of Arcot, Rt. Rev. Dr. Gideon Devanesan R.J.

A close-up of the jyoti lamp and display.

The meditation hut.

Below is Ole Madson from Denmark who has just finished a 6 month tenure representing Danmission as administrator at Tiruvannamalai during the setting up of Quo Vadis. He has done an amazing job. Thanks Ole and we will totally miss you.

And finally on the roof of Quo Vadis, a couple of lads setting up a small screen for the showing of a short presentation movie on Quo Vadis.

Officially Quo Vadis is now open to visitors. It is anticipated that over the next few weeks; all facilities comprising: 2 restaurants, internet room, library and meditation hall will be in full operation. Soon information will be available about regular weekly and monthly Quo Vadis programmes.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lovely place to spend time, in a nice harmonious atmosphere.
