
29 November 2007

Recommended Blog

If you love Arunachala, Animals and Sri Ramana Maharshi, then please visit the recommended blog entitled Ramana's Meditator Creatures of which this is the current posting:


The Light on the Hill Top

This was the first time that the little cubs were seeing the Deepam light on the top of the Arunachala Hill. They were all awe-struck at the sight.

The older cubs were telling the youngest one, six-month old Spotty, the story behind the fire on the hill-top.

Each one was telling his own version of the story and little Spotty was listening to each version with complete belief, unmindful of the inconsistencies.

Arunacub, who loved the Mahabharata, was telling Spotty of Vishnu and Brahma fighting with bows and arrows. Tirucub talked of Nandi the bull as Nandi the Hippo.

Mum Lioness had a difficult time controlling her laughter at this one. To read more, go here.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you saw the two posts on the Creatures blog in October about the dear elephant ...

    Thank you for your wonderful blog. Your photos are beautiful!

    Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Arunachala Ramanaya
