
26 December 2007

Preparing the Cauldron

Here are more photographs of the lighting of the 2007 Deepam on top of Arunachala. The first photograph is of pilgrims climbing the Hill to be as close to the cauldron as possible. During the next 7-10 days (the period the Deepam cauldron will be alight on Arunachala) many will make the climb to the top of the Hill to offer ghee (clarified butter) and their prayers.


The spectacular view of Arunachaleswarar Temple and part of the surrounding township of Tiruvannamalai, taken from near the top of Arunachala.

Lines of devotees pass along buckets, pots and all kinds of receptacles full of ghee to be poured into the cauldron.

A view from closer to the cauldron.

And now the cauldron is full of ghee and pressed on top are lengths of cotton heavily saturated with ghee. The white lumps on top of the cloth are packets of camphor. The fishermen (selected to light the cauldron) will wait until dusk and the time of lighting which will be signalled from the forecourt of Arunachaleswarar Temple down below.

The time has come and the giant cauldron is set alight to signal 2007 Deepam Jyothi at Arunachala.


  1. Great pictures. Thanks for letting us have a view of the action on the Holy Hill.


  2. SadasivamJuly 09, 2018

    Please keep up the good work.This could be life changer to many. I am sure money will come by pls see if you could maintain a seperate website for it. God bless.
