
1 January 2008

Newsletter - January 2008

Arunachala Grace News, January 2008 was sent out yesterday in time for New Year. If you are not yet a subscriber, please visit the facility at the left margin of this Blog, for a free subscription of the monthly Newsletter delivered direct to your email inbox.

This month as well as the usual local news in the section 'Arunachala Tidbits', we have; an indepth narrative on Ardhanarishvara and its particular relevance at Arunachala, the importance of January's Pongal celebration, the impact of the imported Eucalyptus Tree in the area, information on the Myna Bird and a fascinating article on Jewellery and its utilisation in the adornment of Temple idols. The newsletter also has inspirational quotes, poems, hymns and sayings. This month the short story is entitled 'Prince Five-Weapons' with its 'moral' being 'The only weapon you need is hidden inside you'.

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