
29 February 2008

To Anonymous

The short narrative on the life of Nome that appears on Arunachala Grace, had a strong, vigorous response. In a couple of cases, I have answered directly but could not reply to anonymous comment, as there was no accompanying email address. Thus:

In Reply To Anonymous: Thanks for your response and I was interested to read about your opinion on Nome. Sri Sathya Sai Baba is my Sadguru and it was he that sent me to Arunachala and gave me instructions to take guidance from Sri Nannagaru while here. As you know currently there are huge scandals surrounding Sathya Sai Baba, Osho, and even nowadays stirring reports of Amritanandamayi. When I write about Osho or Sathya Sai Baba, I often receive negative comments and am asked not to talk about them or be involved in popularising their names, because of scandals associated with them both.

In this respect my own association with Sri Sathya Sai Baba has been one of great suffering, joy, inspiration and blessings. So I look to that to form my opinion about him. I have nothing but reverence, love and gratitude to the Sadguru. In the same way current Masters have both positive and negative associations - but in the case of Nome, I have decided to give information about him because of his service of helping publish and popularize great spiritual truths - in the form of Vedantic literature. I have never met Nome or know of him, but one thing is certain he has made the RIBHU GITA available to English speaking people and for that alone, he has performed a great service.

Always in my service to Arunachala I try to be upbeat and if I have only negative things to say about a person or situation, try to avoid doing so. There are some great Guru-Busters that perform the service very well. In fact you might have noticed I even have a link for Jody's very controversial Blog, 'Guruphiliac'. I think its important that information should be freely available on the pros and cons and that people should make up their own minds.

People get through life as best they can, and if there is any point of light or inspiration that can help or inspire a soul, that surely is a good thing. Currently on Arunachala Grace Blog there is an article about Nome, and in the upcoming there will be a narrative on the Ribhu Gita. I appreciate your comments and suggestions and invite hearing from you whenever you wish. With Light and Grace from Arunachala.

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