
29 May 2008

Sri Matrubhuteswarar Mahapuja

Today I visited Ramana Ashram to attend part of the celebratory Sri Matrubhuteswarar Mahapuja, commemorating the mukti (Liberation) of Sri Bhagavan’s mother Alagamma. It was observed at the Ashram today, Thursday, May 29th and according to the Hindu Calendar corresponds with Vaishaka Bahula Navami. Special abhishekam and puja to Sri Matrubhuteswara Lingam over the Mother’s Samadhi was performed. On the evening of the previous day, a Classical Carnatic style Ramana Music by Dr. Ambika and Dr. Sarada was performed.

Most of my photographs were taken after the occasion, when the crowds of devotees had decreased. To view the official Ramana Ashram photographs of both the musical evening and the puja, go to this link. To watch an official video of the puja, click here.

After a very delicious prasad lunch at the Ashram, I had a nice stroll of the beautifully maintained Ashram grounds. Of particular interest was a visit to the well (outside the samadhi hall) to see how the fishy inhabitants are doing.

In the below photograph, at the left is the Ashram kitchen where they cook all the delicious Ashram food, and to the right is a dormitory for longterm male sadhakas. At the background you can just see the tip of Arunachala peeping out from behind the trees.

In the next two photographs separate pictures of two different peacocks.

And then a walk around some more of the Ashram grounds.

The below yellow house, is the place Sri Ramana Maharshi attained mahanirvana in the evening of April 14th, 1950. You can peep in through the glass door of the mahanirvana house and see various artifacts used by Bhagavan during his life.


  1. AnonymousMay 31, 2008

    I miss the ashram and Tiruvannamalai ... I want to come back as soon as possible.

    //Jana from Sweden

  2. Thanks for the photos, they reminded me of my visit in 1985, I felt like I was back there again!
