
13 August 2008

India's Railway Minister

After the recent post on Arunachala Grace about the current Tiruvannamalai Railworks at this link, a reader sent in an interesting article about the current India Railway Minister Lalu Prasad, which I reproduce below.

“It is not easy to explain Lalu Prasad's success as India's Railway Minister and his earlier failure as Chief Minister of Bihar.

While Bihar under his stewardship acquired the image of the most backward state in India, mired in poverty because of the lack of development, the same Lalu Prasad, when he took charge of the Railway Ministry, transformed it into a miracle of modern management technique.

The astonishing nature of his achievement was highlighted during the presentation of the railway budget when he announced the enormous profit of Rs.20,000 crore (Rs.200 billion). And this remarkable feat was made possible without increasing passenger fares and freight rates.

Not surprisingly, Lalu Prasad has become the toast of business schools, which are eager to fathom the secret of his success. So the one-time bare-bodied cowherd, who used to ride buffaloes in the paddy fields of Bihar in his poverty-stricken childhood, stalks these days into the hallowed precincts of management and business institutes to lecture an audience in business suits on how to successfully run an establishment.”

1 comment:

  1. Really impressive! I wonder how he suddenly got so brilliant at management?!
