
26 August 2008

Origin of Ramanashram

After the death of Sri Ramana’s mother, Alagammal on May 19th, 1922, it was decided to move her body from Skandashram to the foot of Arunachala as it is prohibited to cremate or bury a body on the Hill.

As to the decision to create a samadhi for his Mother Alagammal, Ramana declared:

“As there is no distinction in liberation and knowledge, a woman also liberated when alive should not be consigned to flames. Her body is verily a temple of God.”

Outside Mathrubuteswara Shrine

Consequently the body was interred in samadhi, and is now known as the Mathrubuteswara Shrine. The photograph above is taken from the adjacent Pali Thirtham, outside the Mathrubuteswara Shrine.

“After Mother’s* death I used to come now and then to the Samadhi and return to Skandasramam. One day about six months after Mother’s death, I went there on one such visit and after sitting there for some time, wanted to get up and go back. However something told me I should not go back but stay on there. It was as if my legs refused to get up. And I stayed on. That is how this Asramam began. Who knew then that all this would grow up?”

[Sri Ramana Maharshi]

* his own mother Alagammal


  1. Very interesting to read about the Origins - from what I understand that whole area, (that is now Ramana Ashram) used to be a burial ground.

  2. Ramana Ashram is a great spot to spend time.

  3. I agree. So nice spending time at the Ashram - specially in the evenings for the chanting.
