
6 August 2008

Ramana Maharshi Stories

For those who missed the live interview broadcast on 'Touchstones' a spiritual programme on WCOM Radio, North Carolina, (U.S.), you can right click and 'save target as’ to download a mp3 recording of the interview with V.Ganeshan’s stories about the life and teachings of Ramana Maharshi.

To visit the archives of WCOM Touchstone Programmes please visit at:


  1. When in Tiruvannamalai Ganeshan often gives talk to visitors at his Bungalow. Well worth attending if you are in the area.

  2. Yes, I have attended Ganeshan's talks and I have felt that he reflects Bhagwan and the Monutain with a sparkling clarity and warmth.

    But these files are not opening on my comp. Could you please tell me why?

  3. I hope the links work okay now. I think the easiest thing is to download and save.

    Like your name Grasshopper.
