
29 November 2008

Deepam 2008 Photographs

For last year's Deepam I posted many excellent photographs covering various functions during the Festival. This year I will be doing the same and in this respect am working with a photographer who will be supplying me with unique photographs of each function. The below is of the Maha Radham (Big Car) in 2007 circumbulating Arunachaleswarar Temple -- it was taken by the same photographer that I am using this year. You can view the full size photograph by clicking on it.

Maha Radham-- 2007 Deepam Festival

click to enlarge

There will be some Deepam photographs posted on Arunachala Grace, however this year I am offering readers the opportunity to acquire a full pictorial history of the Deepam Festival 2008. In this respect there will be well over two hundred photographs (same size as 'enlarged' photo sample above) of the Festival. As the photographer is professionally accredited, he is able to take photographs in areas of Arunachaleswarar Temple etc., which generally restricts the taking of photographs, he is also able to get exceptional access to cover the actual lighting of the Hill Deepam.

If you wish to receive a DVD pictorial history of the 2008 Arunachala Deepam, please get in touch at the contact link situated top left of Arunachala Grace. A donation is required in order to cover costs and expenses. There is a PayPal facility located at the left column of this page. In the case of International readers please add an additional U.S.$10 to your donation to bear the cost of registered, airmail.

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