
22 November 2008

Its getting Bright!

When you are used to seeing something, one often stops wondering and processing, and just accepts. In this connection I’ve been so used to seeing new homes being painted in garish, striking colours, that I stopped asking myself, “Why?”

Up to about five years ago, most homes throughout India were painted in a cement-based paint with added colour dye – the paint was available in; white, sandal, blue and pink – and for that reason everywhere you went houses were generally painted in one of these colours. As the cement-based paint is cheap and of low quality, it has a short life which is further shortened as a result of intense sun and heavy rain – two main components of Indian weather.

On seeing the new brightly painted homes, I assumed it to be a middle-class response to improved finances and being able to buy ‘proper’ paint instead of having to rely on cheap, cement-based paint.

However, I had a ‘eureka’ moment in town today while at the newly refurbished Deepam Hotel on Car Street. While at the Hotel for a midday snack I chanced upon the below article in an old issue of the Chennai Chronicle newspaper which was in the restaurant.

"Vastu Colours paint city homes"

'The latest fad in the city is Vastu exteriors which applies the principles of Vastu even to the colours in which one’s house is painted. Several residential apartments and individual houses are now painted in bright colours like yellow, red, purple and pink.

Speaking about the craze for these colours, S. Rajagopalam, a businessman who is getting the exteriors of his house painted with bright red and purple colours says, “A few neighbours and friends of mine have opted for these fluorescent colours to paint our exteriors. We did this on the recommendation of our family astrologer, who is also a Vastu expert. According to him, these colours would bring good luck and prosperity. Apart from that, these colours stand out from the rest and are comparatively long lasting as well.”

Kalyana Sundaram, a Vastu expert and astrologer says, “These are lucky colours associated with each zodiac sign which is considered auspicious for those falling under these signs. For instance, for Aries, it’s coral red, for Taurus, pure white and so on. In fact, several paint manufacturers are cashing in on this trend by introducing fluorescent paints of every kind.”

Ramani Manoharan, a local interior designer says, “When it comes to painting one’s house, the Indian school of thought follows the lead of bright fluorescent colours whereas as the westernized aesthetics are more in favour of softer, subtle shades. However, I feel that more Indians are now going the vibrant desi way and Chennai seems to be already stepping up in that direction.”

However, Vastu expert GVS Raghavan has a different opinion. “Although, there are lucky colours for all zodiac signs, one cannot expect to usher in good fortune overnight. Colours have only a minimal effect on one’s destiny.”

M. Krishnan, a dealer in paints says, “The fluorescent paints are of acrylic nature and are the latest entrants in the market. Although they cost five times as much as normal paints, they are more durable. But customers feel that the price is worth it due to the significance of Vastu.”’
[By Shankaran Malini]

Inspired by the above article, I did some research and below post information and link. The photographs throughout this posting are of local Tiruvannamalai homes situated at the back of Yogi Ramsuratkumar ashram. Such new, brightly-painted houses are to be found throughout Tiruvannamalai.

Vastu Principles
One of the principles of Vastu is that if you conform to your rashi (constellation/zodiac sign) in decorating and/or painting your home; it will bring the owner good luck and happiness.

The reason many Vastu houses are multi-coloured is the result of following the advice of experts who suggest colours for each of the walls of the building. The advice is based on the planets that governs the direction that each wall is facing.

Colours are divided into three categories:

Primary colour: Three basic hues; red, blue and yellow which are the foundation of the colour wheel of which all other colours are derived.

Secondary colour: When two primary colours are mixed, they form a secondary color . Such colours are; orange, green and violet.

Tertiary colour: When two secondary colours are mixed, they form a tertiary colour. For example; citron, olive, russet.

To view more in-depth explanation about the relevance of colours in Vastu and to view a Colour Wheel explaining the relationship of colours please visit this link.

1 comment:

  1. Vastu is the ancient science of direction that combines all elements of nature and balances them to enhance health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in an enlightened and positive environment.Vastu Shastra tries to remove all ill effects through structural alterations and/or use of vastu products like pyramids etc.

    Formed from two words Vasa (Living) + Sthuala (Place of Living) =Vastu
    Vastu shastra can be broadly defined as system to be adopted for the place of living.

    Vastu shastra is an ancient science which finds its origin in Sthapatya Veda which is actually a part of Atharva Veda (One of the four Vedas).
