
28 December 2008

Lots to Chat About

Hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday through Christmas and the New Year - the kids at Tiruvannamalai certainly are with lots of days off from School over Christmas.

Hope to be posting more regularly on Arunachala Grace very shortly and still have some very special Deepam photographs to post.

Also the current issue of Arunachala Grace News will soon be going out direct to the inbox of all newsletter subscribers. The combination of bad health, visit of a welcomed friend, Deepam, Christmas, and of course the very distracting presence of my Guruji at Tiruvannamalai over the holidays are all responsible for the long delay since the last Arunachala Grace News.

1 comment:

  1. Take care of yourself, don't take too much on your plate! We will definitely be here waiting when more posts come in. :-)
