
6 June 2009

Samudram Evening

Most days diggers are at Samudram taking sand and earth from the bottom of the almost dried-up lake, which they load onto lorries to be transported to various local building sites. The snap below is of an excavated hole filled in with water from earlier rain. The pool is replete with tiny, flying fingerlings and Egrets, Herons and Crows hang around the side of the pond waiting for their chance to catch dinner.

Unfortunately the advent of my six action-packed doggies sends most of the birds away, so thus far haven't been able to take any great photographs of the pond surrounded by flocks of Egrets and Pond Herons - its looks lovely though.

Sadly this particular evening my six doggies in their eagerness chasing a local dog around the pond, ran into an Indian Pond Heron and totally flattened him to the ground.

The poor thing was in a state of shock. Below the Indian Pond Heron, who I picked up and after climbing the embankment, attached to a high branch, to give him time to recover in safety.

I stayed with him for about 20 minutes and after he was well enough to try and give my fingers a peck, knew he was recovering nicely and it was safe to leave him on his own.

So my naughty doggies and I continued our evening Samudram walk.

And watched the sun go down.

If you want to learn out more about the Indian Pond Heron and Grey Heron, both found at Tiruvannamalai, check out Arunachala Birds for some brilliant snaps and good information.


  1. happy about your motherly heart.

  2. I love animals. But it took all of my self control to put the heron into the tree - I so much wanted to adopt him and take him home!
