
25 September 2009

Arunachala Grace

I am very eager to develop the information resource Arunachala Grace Network, which comprises the website, Arunachala Samudra, the blogs: Arunachala Grace, Arunachala Birds and Arunachala Land. As well as these online resources there is also a regular FREE Arunachala Grace Newsletter which is sent direct to the email inbox of its subscribers.

Over the last couple of months there has been limited posting on the Blogs and also a delay of the Newsletter. To be able to give my proper attention to the development of this Network its necessary to ask for your financial support. The amount of such support determines the speed and extent of the Network’s development. I had hoped this year to provide a ‘live stream’ of the ‘Lighting of the Flame’ during the upcoming Deepam Festival on this Network’s website, Arunachala Samudra, but thus far lack the resources to do so.

There is an easy-to-use ‘PayPal’ facility on the left column of this page for the convenience of those that wish to donate. If you wish to remit your donation using another method please email me at the ‘contact’ facility at the top left hand of this page.

Thank you.

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