
20 September 2009

Permaculture Design Course, Arunachala

In 1989 John Button arrived at Tiruvannamalai to help initiate a project to reforest the sacred mountain Arunachala. The work conducted under the aegis of the Annamalai Reforestation Society (ARS) could be considered the catalyst to the current and ongoing greening of the Hill. Nowadays there are happily many organisations both NGOs and Governmental engaged in the reforestation of Arunachala.

To find out more about the history of the current reforestation at Arunachala and its surrounds, read an earlier posting on Arunachala Grace entitled, ‘
Give yourself up to the Mountain,’ which is a first person narrative by John Button.

John Button, an Australian, has worked with Permaculture for over twenty five years, first in Australia, and for the last fifteen years in India, South East Asia, continental Europe and the Canary Islands. He has worked in the role of designer, implementer, teacher, consultant and project co-ordinator, in climates zones including dry tropics, rainforest sub-tropics, Mediterranean, temperate and alpine. He has broad, practical experience, having built several houses, planted many gardens and orchards, and many thousands of trees. He is an active campaigner for environmental and social justice.

John Button and Dr (Agron) Francesca Simonetti will be offering a ‘Permaculture Design Course’ at the Annamalai Reforestation Society in January, 2010. Full details and information of the course below.

Permaculture is the art and science that applies patterns found in nature to the design and construction of sustainable human environments. It is a design approach for harmonising the individual characteristics of landscape (landform, climate, soil, water, vegetation, animals) with the needs of the people utilising it, in order to create a system that is both productive and sustainable in the long term.

This course follows the internationally recognised curriculum for the Permaculture Design Certificate, basis for a Diploma of Permaculture.

Fun, stimulating, surprising, fulfilling.

Maximum emphasis is given to participant involvement, including demonstration, hands-on activities, group work, practical design exercises throughout. An intensely wonderful two weeks, with the time format likely to run beyond the specified times for those interested.


John Button - Playing and working with Permaculture for almost 30 years in Australia, South East Asia, India and Europe as educator, designer and implementer of diverse successful applications of the art of Permaculture

Dr (Agron) Francesca Simonetti – agronomist, dancer, dreamer, restorer of antiquities and explorer of new horizons, works and plays with passion and clear vision.

Take a fresh look at your world – make a difference!


Photographs of the secluded and peaceful Annamalai Reforestation Society Farm, venue for the Permaculture Design Course.


  1. First of its kind 'Permaculture Design Course' in India

    The course venue will be in low income community of a small village called Kottakarai near Auroville in South India.

    This will be a hands on learning while transforming the open spaces around village houses into kitchen gardens and training local people with permaculture methods.

    At the same time participants from around the world will gain an in depth understand and knowledge to implement a sustainable model which will benefit the entire village and its residents towards a beautiful and self sufficient 'Permaculture Transition Village'.

    The course will be given by
    Bernard Alonso - www.permacultureinternatio​
    Ilumalai - Co founder Heal the soil CSA
    Combined with the Flying Team (Permaculturist from around the world)

    For more detailed information on PDC Plus, please visit our website

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    enrich and nourish the human experience.

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