
5 October 2009

I Need A Home

Pooja is a young dog living at the Tiruvannamalai Animal Sanctuary and for whom they are eager to find a calm, peaceful home. She is around a year old and is a Dalmatian mix. Pooja is medium size and slender and has been living at the Sanctuary nearly since birth.She was born blind and was soon thrown out onto the steet as a puppy by the owners of the Mother dog.

On arriving at the Animal Sanctuary, Dr. Raja (the veterinary surgeon) tried treating Pooja’s eyes but soon discovered that there exists no treatment that would restore her sight. At the beginning of her life at the Sanctuary, Pooja lived in a room off the verandah with a high board partition closing off the room. To keep her company some young puppies shared her room. After about a month with developing confidence, the gate closing off her room was opened and Pooja ventured onto the open verandah with many of the other residential dogs.

Leslie Robinson, Director and Founder of The Tiruvannamalai
Animal Sanctuary with young Pooja

To begin with the other dogs were harsh with Pooja but quickly they began to understand that her clumsiness (like stepping on top of their heads whilst sleeping) was due to her blindness. Now all her companion dogs are very patient and loving towards here. The Animal Sanctuary are looking for a sweet home for young, blind Pooja. Perhaps an older settled person with no kids would like to welcome this sweet young dog into their life. Why not come at visit her at the Animal Sanctuary on Chengam Road next to the Arts College – half a kilometre west of Ramana Ashram.

You can really make a difference in the life of a dear animal. Below is my own sweet Victor (one of my six doggies) who I adopted from the Animal Sanctuary some time back. The before photograph was taken soon after he was confiscated from his owners and the next photograph, 18 months later during one of our daily walks and swims at Samudram Erie.

Victor Before

Victor After

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