
5 March 2010

Hanuman Temple, Girivalam Roadway

In response to a request from a reader of Arunachala Grace I am posting the below photographs of the Veera Hanuman Koil located off the Girivalam Roadway. The Temple which is managed by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR and CE) Department is comparatively new, and the Chief Priest informed me that its only about 30 years old.

The Temple is set on two acres of land off the Girivalam Roadway near the Rajarajeshwari Koil. Thus far I have not been able to find out its history or the reason why a Hanuman Temple is located here at this Shiva Sthalam and if any reader has information on this Temple I would be very happy to hear from you.

A sign of the times -- a sannyasin chatting on a mobile at the Temple.

The Temple gardens have several shrines, including one of Lord Krishna and another of Lord Vishnu. There also seems to be several sadhus situated in the compound. This Temple is extremely popular with local town folk and Sundays is a day of pilgrimage and many town folk head out to the Hanuman Koil for puja and blessings.

With a little attention this Temple set in two acres of garden could be quite lovely, but currently seems to be underfunded and neglected. Need some help here Mr.Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR and CE) Department!

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question.
    You are loved love and lover in one.
    Hanuman self.

    The coil most sacred place is the top of a rock on which a farmer sat in the ,i believe early 80ies.
    That picture (original in Adianamalai taken by an englishman) i gave as a reproduction in 2008 to the temple and is now in their possession.

    I lived on and around arunachala for years and have left on the words of
    swami , and may come back any time. As he said your body is dying you must go now and may return. I left sos per ambulance to EU and he rang me in the eu- hospital saying i can see through your eyes, i watched the sunset over a forest then. He is the swami pictured on your site.
    Sanmuganath on the phone.
    He hasbeen living my heart and is now known as: Sri Swami Paramahamsa
    Sanmuganath Om Arunachala Maharishi.
    He had, and has still , the capacity to be present in the body and even influence my digestion.
    He once asked how are you? I said, fine swami only my stool is so smelly! He appologised and in 24 hrs i was smell less.

    He told me in 2006 i am his son in 2007 he told her Ladyship Raina Nahar(Punjab born) she was his daughter. This goes beyond his dna fatherhood ofcourse this is ment as space for his qualities to be lived embodied in life even before mahasamadhi. You will understand from trinity pont of view what is spoken here. As he is arunachala and during his life was able to read all peoples mind (which we then discssed to check my mind/hearts perspective about what was shown)And he had ability to change into conscious mind from deceased pauper to paramahamsa.
    He would even know what happened precisely in temples in time and support world wide.
    I recognised him in 2005 as channelling paramahansa Hariharrananda from Puri in the babaji lineage from Kriya Yoga babaji. He then said you are the first one that can see that! From that moment on his life changed and he dropped various beliefs that then becaeme nolonger true to him.
    He is now omnipresent and looking at his picture feeding the true sadhu( he agreed to my statement 95% around arunachala is begger not sadhu) And yet he would support all.
    A holy man , as life force focussing to guide peoples life as Arunachala.
    Om Shanti shanti shantii
    Hari Om Tat Sat.
    Swami honoured Ramana as Self to unbelievable austerity at 85 sleeping outside in damp weather on the floor or a strecher. Never begging not accepting smallness of givers minds , he rather lived true to what was given by heart
    Only Arunachala knows how true this Sadhu is, still now.
    Hari Om Tat Sat.
    He ws so powerfull that he drew to much attention from Ramana Ashram away and was nolonger allowed to stay in the Hall somewhere in early years of 2000nds or late 1990is i believe.
    His predictions were not always understood.
    Nomatter as also the Buddha was misunderstood.
    My name is Bhakti Ananda.
