
19 March 2010

Nithyananda Update and Photographs

Received these photographs today and am posting them below as they represent the last 'happy' visit of Swami Nithyananda to Tiruvannamalai and Arunachaleswarar Temple. The photos are from the beginning of 2010 during his visit to Tiruvannamalai (which is his native place) in celebration of his Birthstar.

Right-click on photographs to view enlarged version

To read a balanced and insightful posting about the lessons one can learn from the Swami Nithyananda scandal, go to this link here. While there also check out the comment section of the posting.

1 comment:

  1. Its sad when these tings happen! But it always brings the world that big more closer!

    Many thanks for the articles.

    Enjoy your day.

