
27 March 2010

Sri Nannagaru at Arunachala

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After the recent scandals about Godmen here at Tiruvannamalai, its nice to post about someone who is highly regarded in these parts and has reached the age of seventy-six, after a lifetime dedicated to spiritual service, with a blemish free, impeccable reputation.

Sri Nannagaru was born in 1934 at Jinnuru, Andhra Pradesh and first visited Arunachala in 1957 on a visit to the samadhi of his Guru (who he never met in person) Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Shortly thereafter Sri Nannagaru had a realisation experience which he attributes entirely to the Grace of Arunachala-Ramana.

Nowadays Sri Nannagaru visits his two ashrams at Arunachala (Sri Nannagaru Ashram and Andhra Ashram) approximately four times a year, spending around 7-10 days per visit. As Swamiji traditionally spends Deepam at Arunachala, that is the only time that his devotees are able to plan ahead and make arrangements to visit Arunachala at the same time as their Guru.

By the way this year the first night of the lighting of the flame of Deepam is November 21, 2010.

Swamiji arrived at Arunachala this visit on March 18th and left this day March 27th. During his stay he gave regular darshans and talks (in Telegu), visited Ramana Ashram and Andhra Ashram, attended several pujas, and also performed rounding the Hill with his devotees.

Today prior to his return to Andhra Pradesh, his devotees arranged Pada Puja and Cow Puja ceremonies at Sri Nannagaru Ashram.

Sri Nannagaru is regarded by many as the most authentic Guru representative that visits Arunachala these days. He bases his teachings on that of his guru, Sri Ramana Maharshi, inculcating his devotees in the method of Self Enquiry.

Even though he donates generously to spiritual and social organisations and individuals, his primary objective is of inspiring and supporting devotees and visitors on the spiritual path. Even as an adolescent and prior to his realisation experience, at the tender age of sixteen years old, Sri Nannagaru would ride his bicycle to villages close to his native Jinnuru (Andhra Pradesh) to give dissertations at the market place on the Bhagavad Gita.

Suggest you take advantage if you are able to connect with Sri Nannagaru either at Arunachala or during his regular visits to Hyderabad and around Andhra Pradesh. Check out his schedule at his website at this link here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi. Is there any other living saint in/visiting Thiruvannamalai who are easily accessible? I know Annamalai Swami and Shri Sharadama living in Tiruvannamalai. But they are not accessible. So is Mukkupodi Swamiyaar. I really dont know about the spiritual maturity of Om Amma.

  3. I am glad to see your coverage of Sri Nannagaru. Saints such as he is are truly precious.

  4. Sri Nannagaru is God Himself. Of this I know.

  5. I am sure Sri Nannagaru is God Himself, even bigger than Lord Shiva. Still westerners need to have faith in themselves first and not run after one Godman (sorry saint) after another. Don't blame the God people, when it is the devotees who must smarten up.

  6. @ArunachalaHeart: Hi, I would like to hear you experience with Shri Nannagaru.

  7. I am with Naanna garu for more than
    20yrs.He is like a lamp with light.
    I have not taken the lamp as the significant thing but rather try to understand the light. I am not interested in getting caught in the mere illusion, the maya of words, but look behind the words. grasp the full significance of what he says, not the mere superficial meaning of words.

  8. thanks a lot to naannagaru for preaching such a precious words to all of us

  9. thanks u sooooo much to preach one and all the new things which we students don't know about ramana maharshi garu

  10. Nannagaru - is a Sadguru, he explains/teaches about Humanity and he is so special.He is a Divine messenger to guide us to achieve our journey with this body towards god.God is a power, source for everything which are visible and those are invisible regardless of religion.we have to practice and apply in every moment of life, just listening and attending speeches are starting stage,you have to apply to achieve.

    Moving Forward with Sadguru
    Srinivasa Raju

  11. There is a Jnani who is like Ramana Bhagavan alive. Now disciples of Sri Nannagaru visits him regularly
