
10 February 2011

Arunachala Girivalam 2011

The dates and times for Full Moon and Girivalam, direct from the office of Arunachaleswarar Temple, are posted below.

Starts: January 18 – 4.28 a.m.
Ends: January 19 – 3.09 a.m.
Girivalam Date: January 19

Starts: February 17 – 4.58 p.m.
Ends: February 18 – 2.51 p.m.
Girivalam Date: February 17

Starts: March 18 – 2.51 p.m.
Ends: March 19 – 12.30 p.m.
Girivalam Date: March 19

Starts: April 17 – 11.29 a.m.
Ends: April 18 -- 9.09 a.m.
Girivalam Date: April 17

Starts: May 16 -- 7.33 p.m.
Ends: May 17 -- 5.34 p.m.
Girivalam Date: May 18

Starts: June 14 – 3.49 a.m.
Ends: June 15-- 2.24 p.m.
Girivalam Date: June 15

Starts: July 14 – 1.17 p.m.
Ends: July 15 -- 12.45 p.m.
Girivalam Date: July 14

Starts: August 12 -- 11.53 p.m.
Ends: August 13 -- 1.25 p.m.
Girivalam Date: August 13

Starts: September 11 -- 1.55 p.m.
Ends: September 12 – 3.58 p.m.
Girivalam Date: September 11

Starts: October 11 -- 5.56 a.m.
Ends: October 12 – 7.59 a.m.
Girivalam Date: October 11

Starts: November 9 -- 12.31 p.m.
Ends: November 10 -- 2.33 p.m.
Girivalam Date: November 10

Starts: December 9 -- 7.18 p.m.
Ends: December 10 -- 8.41 p.m.
Girivalam Date: December 9


  1. Do you know the kartagai deepam date for 2011? I am getting confusing information on line.

  2. Meenakshi AmmalFebruary 15, 2011

    The Deepam flame will be lit on the top of Arunachala at dusk (around 6.05 p.m.) on NOVEMBER 8, 2011.

    As always full moon is after Karthigai Deepam -- so expect lots of folk will be performing girivalam for a few days after.

    The Girivalam dates for the month of Karthigai are:

    Starts: November 9 -- 12.31 p.m.
    Ends: November 10 -- 2.33 p.m.
    Girivalam Date: November 10

  3. Dear Manakshi, I believe Kartigai Deepam is on December 9th 2011.
    Check the dates in The Mountain Path.

  4. I spoke with the Temple Superintendent Mr. subrahmanian last Friday (February 18] to discuss the different and varying reports of the date for Karthigai Deepam 2011.

    Calendars have already been printed, and dates are appearing on already published Arunachala books with festival calendars, that this year's Bharani Deepam (i.e. the day that the lighting is made on top of Arunachala) is November 8.

    However there is dispute over that date and possibly Deepam 2011 may be December 8.

    Expect to be reporting back to the Temple Office this week and get the DEFINITE DATE.

  5. Thank you anonymous for bringing up the question of the 2011 date for Karthigai Deepam. I went to the Temple two days ago and met with the Assistant Manager in his office, whereupon I explained the current confusion.

    I mentioned to him that some 2011 calendars sold inside the Temple Compound have Deepam marked as November 8th. Also that books they are recommending and selling inside the Temple Compound have November 8th in their calendar section as the date for Karthigai 2011 Deepam.

    However when speaking with several Shiva Temple priests (Adi Annamalai Temple and Arunagirinatha Temple) who checked their almanacs, they declared the date to be not November 8th but December 8th.

    I was told, yes the Karthigai month in 2011 has two full moons, but the selection of Deepam is based on tithi and does not (as several people believed) to automatically full to the first moon of Karthigai month, in the case of two full moons in the month.

    So hopefully this is now resolved and the date the Temple is giving out for Deepam is now December 8th.

    As to what Mountain Path has published, maybe you should get in touch with them and ask them to check their dates -- as Karthigai Deepam is always the day before full moon and NOT on Full Moon itself. Checking my Full Moon calendar, Full Moon in December is 9th -- so Karthigai should be December 8th -- as stated by the Temple Office.

    Whew . . . I am quite exhausted!
