
30 May 2011

Arunachala Birds

I hope by this time some of the readers of Arunachala Grace will have discovered my Blog Arunachala Birds.

The postings on Arunachala Birds are of Birds and Animals I have photographed or spotted either in my own garden or upon my walks near the Samudram Erie and Arunachala countryside.

As well as information about the species of indigenous and migratory Birds (and Animals) of Arunachala, I am also trying to supply information about the development of this area and how it impacts on the animals and ecosystem.

Indian Spot Billed Duck

Some of my latest postings on ‘Arunachala Birds’ are of the White Breasted Waterhen, ‘Birds’ Favourite Trees, Glossy Ibis, Indian Spot Billed Duck and a posting on ‘Explore The Tree of Life’.

So, if you are interested in ecology and connecting with the bird and animal population of the Arunachala area, I invite you to visit my ongoing and developing Arunachala Birds.


  1. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    I've been following Arunachala Birds since you started it. Wonderful photos and like the way you arrange the information.

  2. Janice DobbsJune 03, 2011

    I've gone many times to your Bird Blog -- lovely. Thank you.
