
9 April 2012

Battery Car in Temple

“A battery car service was launched at Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple here on Thursday, April 5th. The purpose of the electric car is to carry the old and disabled between Rajagopuram and the golden flag mast, free of cost. The electric car, which can accommodate seven, costs about Rs. 3.75 lakh and was purchased from Temple funds. If necessary, more such vehicles would be launched. 

On a suggestion that a battery car service could also be introduced for Girivalam during non-Pournami days to keep the path pollution-free, he said that the idea would be considered. Official sources said that battery car services would soon be launched in four more Temples, including Tiruvarur, Tiruchendur, Palani and Tiruttani.” 

I personally think running motorised vehicle inside the Temple is a poorly thought out idea. It can hardly be safe, and it certainly does not fit in with the atmosphere and ethos expected in such a grand, powerful Temple. Why be so modern – if special facilities are needed for the old and disabled, provide a free wheel chair service! Do we really need golf carts zipping around the compound of Arunachaleswarar Temple? 

And don’t even get me started on the kind of funfair drivers that will get hired to drive the vehicle. And does one really believe that it is the old and disabled that will be the primary occupants of the carts? And one more thing to spoil as the vehicle path in the map above, shows it driving through all the pretty gardens inside the perimeter wall of the Temple, which will mean a nasty disturbance for the bird life and monkeys inhabiting the area -- as I have no doubt that the state-of-the art vehicle has a very old fashioned, noisy, Indian volume horn attached!


  1. Maria (U.K.)April 09, 2012

    Its like the Temple start off each day thinking about 'what they shouldn't do'. So sad.

  2. Honking and race car driving inside the temple. Just what we want. :-(

    I was at the Arunachaleswarar temple that day.

    I went in really early because it was a big day for Lord Muruga and I wanted to beat the crowds when I saw this car.

    Extra cleaning had been done and everyone was waiting for the Minister to arrive. So I went in and got to be with the Gods when it was really quiet. How can I complain when people get distracted by VIPs :-)

    When I came out, I saw a lot of people waiting with Muruga's kavadis... waiting for the VIP Minister to inaugurate the cart and clear out of the way. What a wait it was for them in the hot sun.

    I finished my leisurely breakfast in a nearby hotel and shopped some. When I was going home in an auto, I saw the Muruga procession going. Muruga in a golden chariot and all these people walking barefoot on the tar carrying kavadis for answered prayers. But I had a good darshan.

    My heart goes out to Sweet Rukku and the other animals and of course the devout who will no doubt be disturbed by this new car. Atleast, they aren't bringing in animals to carry the old and the disabled. BTW, Rukku looked really unwell. Her eyes were watering like never before and she was made to give darshan. Maybe readers of Arunachala Grace could sign a petition to the Chief Minister. Maybe then Rukku will get her reprieve. What do you think?

  3. Thanks for reminding me about Rukku. And I definitely agree that it would be helpful if interested parties somehow tried to help improve the quality of Rukku's life -- now wouldn't freedom be a wonderful thing! In the meantime, I am checking out animal welfare groups at Chennai and will post information as I get it.

  4. providind facilities for old and disabled persons really great thing...

  5. Well yes lets hope that the battery car is indeed utilised for the old and disabled and not just VIPs etc.

  6. Facilities for old and disabled பேர்சொன்ஸ் really கிரேட் thinking
