
11 January 2013

Tiruvannamalai Artist

During my visit to the ARS (Annamalai Reforestation Society) Model Farm today, my escorts JJ (well known at Tiruvannamalai as a pundit, scholar, musician and also Librarian of Ramana Ashram Library), and Nawaz officer of the ARS since his retirement from the State Bank of India, Tiruvannamalai -- took me to view the studio of Gayatri, an artist from Spain.

She has converted an upstairs room at the Model Farm into a studio in which she can immerse herself in her paintings. To learn more about Gayatri and to view some of her work you can visit her website at this link here.

JJ with Gayatri in her studio

To view more photographs click on below link.
Nawaz, officer of the ARS

Painting by Artist Gayatri at her studio

Painting of Arunachala in artist studio

Large Studio with lots of light and Arunachala darshan


  1. Hariom ArunachalaGrace! I visited your healing space just a few minutes ago for the first time, and I must congratulate you for the easy-on-the-eye and easy-on-the-I 'delivery' of arunachalaGrace!
    I could see without having to traverse too long into this fast-shaping Aaranya of grace [providing nourishment to all needs...meeting all layers of the Ma'S!low hierarchy], that here is Artha [meaningful wealth], Dharma[righteous action befriending all], Kama[fulfilment of prana in sensory-ananda], and Moksha [arunachala-ramana], delivered in full, Nett of any taxing moves!

  2. Thanks for the thumbs up JJ -- very much appreciate the words of approval from an acknowledge connoisseur as yourself. I always welcome suggestions to improve this site. So those kinds of words are very welcome too. Thanks. M
