
27 May 2014

Two Short Videos Mukkupodi Swamigal

Ananda Vishesh a devotee of Arunachala Shiva and reader of Arunachala Grace kindly sent information about two new short videos on Mukkupodi Swamigal which have been posted on You Tube. I am embedding both videos below. 

I previously posted a long narrative sent by Ananda about his meeting with Mukkupodi Swami, and to read the earlier posting with photographs please visit this link here

There is now available a book in Tamil on Mukkupodi Swamigal entitled 'Arunai Vazh Podi Sittarin Arpudangal' written by S.A.Vennila. This book is available through the Mukkupodi Madam (ashram) opposite Vayu Lingam on the Girivalam pathway.


  1. AnonymousJune 10, 2014

    Thank you very much for posting these clips. Felt very blessed to see the great saint. I live in Canada, and I got a chance to meet this great saint few times last year. At that time I didn't realize the significance, but after I came back I have witnessed many things have happened just because of his grace. I don't think I can explain the power of his presence in words.....but have witness it many times.....:)

  2. wt kid of miracle happened

  3. Have made many postings of Mookupodi Swami both on Arunachala Grace and another of my blogs -- Arunachala Mystic.

    Check out the archive section of both Blogs to look at the earlier postings.
