
28 July 2014

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Siddhi Sthala

Yesterday I visited the Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram which is less than a 10 minute walk south of Ramana Ashram. It has been some time since I last visited this beautiful, serene ashram which conducts a number of functions, including a free bi-weekly medical camp and also daily lunch prasad for sadhus and devotees.

At gate walking into Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

Where Yogi used to give darshan during construction of the Ashram

Outside of hut for feeding sadhus and sannyasins

Inside hut for feeding Sadhus and Sannyasins

Programme at Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

Part of meditation room, downstairs front of Ram Mandiram

While at the Ashram I visited the uplifting, well-maintained Siddhi Sthala at which Yogi Ramsuratkumar attained siddhi on 20th February, 2001 at 3.19 a.m. The Siddhi Sthala is composed of a number of rooms where sayings of the Yogi are displayed on the walls. As well as a pictorial history on show there are also some other fascinating exhibits including clothes and relics of the Yogi and a section devoted to his own small library of books. 

The Siddhi Sthala is opened up for public viewing at these times: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Walls of several rooms covered in historical photographs of the Yogi

Display inside the Siddhi Sthala room

Relics belonging to the Yogi

Cot where Yogi Ramsuratkumar attained siddhi

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jaya Guru Raya Divine 
Blessings of Guru Maharaj 

My Friends: This beggar learnt at the feet of Swami Ramdas the Divine name of Rama, and beg, beg all of you not to forget the Divine name Rama. Whatever you do, wherever you are, be like Anjaneya-Maruthi thinking of Rama and doing your actions in the world. At every age we face problems, today one problem, tomorrow another problem, the day after tomorrow another problem. And on account of facing these problems often we get dejected, disappointed, psychologically sick, if we don’t remember the name of the Divine. So this beggar will beg all of you not to forget the Divine name, Rama. 

There are people who like to remember the name of Siva. It is equally good, there are people who like to remember the name Ganapathi—equally good. Whatever name you chose, whatever form you choose, but give to this beggar what he wants. Never forget the Divine. 

Live in the world and problems will be there. If we are remembering the Divine name, we are psychologically sound. May be, we may feel a little in some of the problems. Even then, the intensity with which we feel if we don’t have faith in God is much more than a man of faith – a man who remembers the name of Rama. So this beggar . . . please don’t forget the name of God. This Divine name has been always of great help to all in the world. 

Yogi Ramsuratkumar

You read Kabir, Tulsi, Sur . . . Appar Swamy, Manickavasaga Swamy – how they emphasised Namasivaya. Don’t forget it – this is your heart – this is your soul whether it be Om Namasivaya or Om Namo Narayanaya, whether Rama, Siva or Krishna, whatever name you choose, whatever form you choose doesn’t matter. But remember the Lord with any name, with any form of your choice. Just as when there is heavy rainfall, we take an umbrella, and go on doing our work in the factory, in the field, wherever we go for marketing and catching hold of the umbrella we go through the rain falling there. But still we work – still we work – do our work. Similarly we have got so many problems all around. This Divine name is just like an umbrella in the heavy rainfall. Catch hold of the Divine name and go on doing your work in the world. 

This beggar begs of you and . . . I think none of you will shirk away, when this beggar begs of you ‘Don’t forget the Divine name’. This beggar prays to his Father to bless you all who have come here. My Lord Rama blesses you. My Father blesses you. Arunachaleswara blesses you. It doesn’t matter to me what name it is. All the blessings of my Father for all of you! Well, that is the end. That is all. 

To learn more about this great saint at Arunachala, please visit this link here for his biography. 


  1. Thanks for the virtual tour of the ashram! Very impressive, wonderful displays and look at that full program, from morning till evening pujas & namasmarana! (No displays of all his fans?!)

    Will never forget visiting him in a small flat by the temple with a friend of mine, sitting in a room with him all alone, and how he stood on the doorstep waving to us as we left in the bicycle rickshaw.

  2. Hi Divya: Yes you were very lucky to come in the 80s and experience so many things at Arunachala that are no longer available.

    Yogi's Trust have made a beautiful museum of that little house near the Temple that he used to live in and which you visited.

    You need to come back to us and see how things are now.

  3. Divya I did in fact take a photo of the cabinet at Yogi Ramsuratkumar's siddha sthalam, holding a very nice selection of his palmyra fans. Will try and post the snaps next time I write about Yogi.
