
21 November 2015

Cultural and Spiritual Programes, Arunachaleswarar Temple 2015 Deepam

Throughout the 2015 Deepam Festival there are cultural programmes both inside and outside the Temple Compound. These programmes include Bharatnatyam dance, Tamil singing and instrumentation and the dramatic re-enactment of spiritual tales. 

As well as the cultural/spiritual programmes, there are also daily spiritual discourses (in Tamil) held in the venue of the Samayva Paravi (which is near the Bhairavi Shrine: 4th Prakaram). 

Singing and dancing programmes inside the grounds of Arunachaleswarar Temple are being conducted in the Auditorium next to the Puravi Mandapam (near Rukku the Elephant)

Children with Dance Programme 2015 Karthigai Deepam Festival

Auditorium next to the Puravi Mandapam (near Rukku the Elephant)

The cultural programmes are preceeding daily in the Auditorium

Singing and Drama presentations also being conducted in the Auditorium

As well as cultural programmes, there are also spiritual discourses being conducted in the Samayva Paravi. The Samayva Paravi is set in gardens near the Bhairavi Shrine. Ordinarily that Compound is closed, so a very nice opportunity to enjoy the tranquility of the gardens and coolness of the historical building.

Samayva Paravi

The peaceful Compound has a garden with ample seating

Gopura backdrop to Compound

Traditional South Indian Architecture

High Roofed, cool, spacious room for Discourses

Traditional Indian Architecture

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