
17 November 2015

Day 1 Morning Procession of the Panchamoorties

After completion of the Flag Hoisting ceremony; later in the morning of November 15, 2015 (Day One of Karthigai Festival), the five Gods are worshipped inside the Temple and then taken outside through the Thittivasal gate. 

The Thittivasal gate is by the side of the Raja Gopura and is used as a departure and access point for the deities during Festivals. 

As Murtis (idols of the Divine) are taken to represent sukshma sarira (i.e. the subtle body) they are not taken through the Eastern Gopura as that represents the sthoola sarira (i.e. the gross body). In earlier times the Thittivasal was also used by royalty and important personages. 

Thittivasal Gate from Inside Temple

1949 Photo of Thittivasal Gate outside Temple

Gods coming out of the Thittivasal Gate into the street outside Temple

Gods giving Darshan in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

Once outside the Temple the Gods receive darshan of devotees and pilgrims at the Alankaram Mandapam (located front of the east Raja Gopura). 

Thereupon the Gods are taken out to circumabulate the 4 perimeter streets (Mada Veddhis) surrounding the Temple. 

4 Perimeter Circumambulation Streets of Temple

Lovely Rukku was out on the streets on the morning of the 1st Day

She will have lots of walking and attention throughout the Festival

During all the processions musicians are out in force

Talking of Elephants, here is Vinayagar in the morning procession

Lord Arunachalewarar in procession

To the left of the Lord Arunachaleswarar Radham, is the parked giant Maharadham, which is traditionally used on the 7th Day of the Festival. The yellow building to the left of the Maharadham is the access point to the top of the multi-storey Radham, which on the morning of the 7th day pilgrims are allowed to traverse and go onto the plinth of the Madharadham and take darshan of the God.

Tractors pull the giant Radhams along the perimeter streets

Always colour and crowds surrounding the streets of the Temple

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