
5 March 2016

Padma and Torsten, Arunachala March 2016

Currently, Padma and Torsten, two satsang teachers from Germany, are visiting Tiruvannamalai with an International Retreat group comprised of devotees from Denmark, Germany, Holland and the United States. 

It is the ninth time that Padma and Torsten have brought an International group on pilgrimage to these parts. As devotees of Sri Ramana Maharshi they disseminate the teaching of self-inquiry to their students. They feel at the foot of Arunachala, the blissful energy of Sri Ramana Maharshi nourishes their Retreat Group. 

Torsten says: “The Old Hall of Ramanashram is probably one of my favourite places on this planet . . . there is this mysterious power of silence radiating directly into my heart from the sofa where Ramana used to sit.” 

Torsten and Padma will be offering open satsangs this coming week at Sri Nannagaru Ashram. Check above for timings. 

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