
17 April 2016

Night Two: Vasantha Urchavam 2016

Below is a pictorial report of Night Two, of the 2016 Vasantha Urchavam. 

Lord Arunachaleswarar

Taking the God out of the Siva Sannidhi

Representation of a Gandharva Kanni (celestial virgin nymph) approaches the Lord with flowers

Gandharva Kanni carrying a bucket of flowers to offer the Lord

Rukku, is getting plenty of exercise promenading during the evening functions

Close up of Gandharva Kanni (celestial virgin nymph) carrying a bucket of flowers

Devotees high on the gallery in charge of the ropes and pulleys moving representation of the Gandharva Kanni

The evening function heralded by the sound of conch shells

1 comment:

  1. Marvellous photographs. Well done. There is nowhere else online I can see these photos. Thanks
