
18 July 2016

Aani Bramotshavam Theerthavari -- July 16, 2016

The culmination of the 10 day Ani Brahmostavam Festival completed on Saturday July 16, 2016 with a function at Arunachaleswarar Temple followed by a procession of the Gods to the Iyyankulam Tank where a Theerthavari ceremony was observed. 

Procession of the Gods

The Gods Alankaram

Since the tragedy at the Ayyankulam Tank during a previous Theerthavari in connection with the Mahadhaya Maha Punniya Kalam ceremonies, safety precautions have been enhanced at Ayyankulam Tank. Subsequently the most recent function was successfully and peacefully completed. 

The Priests with the anointed Sulam

Priests in Pandal at the Ayyankulam Tank

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