
1 July 2016

Petition against Development of Arunachala Girivalam Roadway

A petition was presented to the Collector at Tiruvannamalai asking that no more trees be cut around the Arunachala Girivalam Roadway in connection with further road development of this area. The Petition reads: 


"Sir, The proposed widening of the Arunachala Girivalam / Pradakshina road by the Tiruvannamalai administration will lead to an irreplaceable loss of ancient trees, forest lands, sacred groves, and cause considerable damage to sacred tanks and temples. The farmers whose lands will be acquired for the project will also be severely affected. Any relocation or shift of this ancient walkway, will also be an incalculable loss of our historical and cultural heritage to present and future generations. 

Photograph showing the current beautiful growth of trees

The project, which in some places involves re-routing of the road, will cause irreparable damage to the Sona-Giri sacred grove, the only intact sacred grove on mount Arunachala. It is home to Spotted Deer, Langur, Indian Porcupine, Jungle Cat, Small Indian Civet, Palm Civet and more. Over 70 species of birds, monitor lizards, numerous snake species and the endangered Indian Star Tortoise can be found there. This rich number and diversity of wildlife, which is already protected under longstanding Indian laws, has been put in harm’s way by the proposed Girivalam Road expansion which will also adversely affect the two sacred thirtams within the grove. 

The project will also lead to the loss of a number of ancient tamarind trees that provide shade to the barefooted pilgrims who undertake the Girivalam and many Sadhus who live under them. Even if new trees are planted in their place, they will take decades to reach a similar size and stature. Already some 30 tamarind trees have been lost as a direct result of the pavement construction on the left side of the Girivalam Road in recent years. 

The present route of the Arunachala Girivalam path follows one that dates back centuries. It was formally marked during Pandya times centuries ago following a route already long in existence at this time. The marker stones laid down by the king were still visible until recently. Any change in this route will be a loss of cultural and historical heritage, cherished by pilgrims around the world. 

The planned expansion of the path also cuts into a number of ‘Rest-a-While’ parks created by the administration for the benefit of pilgrims and local wildlife. These parks provide a tranquil resting spot for those doing the 13 km Pradakshina, and enhance the protective buffer for adjacent Reserved Forest lands. 

Unchecked development around the Arunachala hill has already placed extreme pressure on the forest areas and the wildlife therein. 

We appeal to the relevant authorities to immediately stop all tree felling, and devise an alternative plan that will preserve the irreplaceable existing forests, avenue trees, and sacred groves; to make improvements to the pilgrimage experience by regulating the vehicular traffic thus creating a peaceful atmosphere, without the loss of forest or revenue land around the sacred hill Arunachala. Thank you. On behalf of concerned devotees" 


To view and sign the petition please go to this link here

Arunachala devotees staging a sit-in protest on Girivalam Roadway

Arunachala devotees talking with the collector over the roadway development


  1. Namaste Honorable Sir,

    As a member of the International Community of Devotees of Sri Arunachala, global environmentalists, anf future generations devoted to Peace and the sustainability of our common home - Mother Earth, I beseech you to listen to your Heart and the the millions of devotees who pray that you do everything in your power to protect, preserve and honor the unique and Blessed Environment of Sri ArunachalaUnnamulai.

    Please do not allow a single tree to be destroyed along the Sacred Girivalam Road. Please stop any future development of the Arunachala Girivalam Road.

    Most sincerely,

    Terence Oldani MSc Eng & Family

  2. Dear Madam
    Fully endorse what you have mentioned, me too signed the petition leading to irreparable loss.Though i'am in mumbai,mentally I make several visits to Tiruvannamalai daily and find peace.Of course I have made several visits in person and soaked in the atmosphere of Arunachala Hill. I can't think of any other route in circumambulating the hill!
    May Lord give you lots of energy in stalling the proposed diversion.
