
20 November 2016

Path to Vairakal Murugan Temple from Girivalam Roadway

In an earlier post about the Vairakal Murugan Temple on top of an Arunachala spur, I gave directions of how to reach the Temple (situated at the top of a hillock) by going through Rajiv Gandhi Nagar. Below is an alternative pathway you can take to reach the Temple via the Girivalam Roadway. 

Take NH66 (Chengham Road i.e. Girivalam Road) leading out of Tiruvannamalai. About one kilometre from Ramana Nagar on the right side is the Simha (Lion) Theertham. Walk past the Tank and about 500 yards further down the road, third path on the left after the Tank, is a roadway which has been created for construction material to be taken up the hillock to the Temple.

Simha (Lion) Tank on NH66 (Girivalam Road)

At the entrance to this roadway is a Temple board. Take this roadway and after a short distance it starts to climb up into the hillock. Follow this path direct to the Temple. 

Sign at pathway leading to the Vairakal Temple

Pathway leading up the Hillock

Closeup of rocky cluster surrounding Temple on Hillock

Construction roadway leading up to top of Hillock

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for the directions from Girivalam path.
