
24 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Cauldron Puja at Temple — Friday December 23, 2016

Yesterday Friday December 23, 2016 the Karthigai Deepam Cauldron was brought down from the summit of Arunachala and taken to the 1000 Pillar Hall in the 5th Prakaram of Arunachaleswarar Temple. 

After arrival in the 1000 Pillar Hall, Temple Priests performed a puja on the Cauldron. Photographs below. 

Karthigai Deepam Festival Cauldron afterwards

Aarti being offered during the puja

I've never seen a Deepam Cauldron so damaged after the Karthigai Festival

This is the 2015 Cauldron after last year's Festival. Can see its in much better shape and it was an old cauldron on its last year of service. Oh dear don't know if the new one will be able to manage another Festival without serious intervention!!!


  1. P. Hari PrasadDecember 26, 2016

    Shocked to see how bad the pot looks. Isn't this supposed to be a new pot?

  2. Yeah. And it cost a fortune. Nearly 10 times what the old pot cost. And the old pot lasted for years. Nowadays they go too fancy, spend plenty of cash and forget that sometimes the old way is the best way.
