
4 December 2016

Festival Time!

Walking around Arunachaleswarar Temple and Tiruvannamalai yesterday morning after the "Hoisting of the Flag", its easy to see we are in Festival Mode. Groups of Brahmin Priests chant the Vedas in the Temple compound, Community Sangams recite Sundarar's Thevaram outside the Kalyana Mandapam, collections of lamps and lights lay in large mounds at the back of the Third Prakaram, newly crafted wooden chocs stacked against the walls awaiting pick up for use by processional Chariots. 

Rukku the Star-turn of Arunachaleswarar Temple happily joining processions around the Mada Veedhis (Temple perimeter streets) . . . and everywhere you look, musicians playing both Indian traditional and Western musical instruments. 

Its going to be a busy, happy Festival.

Brahamin Priests chanting the Vedas

Priests in 3rd Prakaram will be chanting through the day

Community Sangam group reciting Sundarar's Thevaram

Wooden chocs stacked by wall ready for use by processional chariots

Mounds of different style lamps for night processions awaiting use

This type of lamp to be carried for night processions

So many lamps!

Beautiful Rukku on Festival duty -- so loves going out and about

Musicians attending all functions and processions both in the Temple and in Tiruvannamalai Township

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