
30 September 2017

2017 Navaratri Kolu Display at Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

Navaratri is a major Festival celebrated throughout India each year around late September or early October. This year the nine day Festival started on Thursday September 21, 2017 and ended on Friday September 29, 2017. Dasami (Day of Victory) fell on the 10th day, i.e. Saturday, September 30, 2017. 

Navaratri is not celebrated as lavishly at Tiruvannamalai as in other parts of India. Perhaps one reason is that many people at this place are busy anticipating the upcoming Deepam Festival. 

One very fascinating aspect of the Navaratri Festival, is the Kolu (Tamil=Golu) which means “Divine Presence”. This celebration incorporates the exhibition or display of dolls and figurines at home and in some cases at Ashrams and public halls. 

Kolu figurines can be simple or very complicated and based upon Gods and Saints, depictions of the Epics and Puranas (i.e. Mahabharata, Ramayana, Krishna Leelas etc.), Demigods and National leaders, marriage occasions, musical instruments, shops, current affairs and scenes from everyday life; such as shops, bus stop, cars, street scenes etc. 

Historically Kolu had a significant connection with the agricultural economy of Ancient India. In order to encourage de-silting of irrigation canals the Kolu celebration was aimed at providing demand for clay that was needed for the celebratory dolls. It is believed that the tradition of Kolu has been in existence from the reign of the Vijayanagara kings. 

Below are photographs of the very elaborate, beautiful Kolu display at the ashram of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. There are many sections including displays depicting the abodes, life and legends of various Gods and Goddesses. 

Greetings from Lord Ganesha

Statues of the Gods displayed on different levels of display

Different aspects of the Goddess

The above photograph shows the loving details of all the displays

The display available to view while the Ashram was open

The section on Krishna Leelas was beautifully exhibited

Display of the Pancha Sthalams

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

The Navaratri Display at Yogi's Ashram gets more elaborate each year

Arunachala with attendant Gods and Goddesses

Major Siva Sthalams in the Country

This year the Ashram displayed a large section dedicated to Lord Rama

Making a bridge of stones to Sri Lanka

Musicians played traditional music in the Auditorium

1 comment:

  1. Wow - truly mind-boggling the beauty of the elaborate displays!
