
18 January 2021

Thiruvoodal Festival 2021: Gods Circumambulate Arunachala


Further to the previous post, to read about this unique Thiruvoodal festival and details of the "quarrel" between the Divine couple go to this link here. The quarrel enacted on the mada vedhi street, results in an implacable Parvati refusing to continue to talk with Shiva. She re-enters Arunachaleswarar Temple without him. In order to placate Parvati and as night is approaching, the Lord who has agreed to circumambulate Arunachala, turns away from the Big Temple and spends the night at Sri Kumara Koil on Thirumanjana Street. The next morning he starts on his Arunachala circumambulation. On his way around the Hill, the Lord stops at the Asta Lingams, Temples and Shrines to offer his Blessings to devotees.



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