
10 September 2021

Happy Ganesha Chatruthi 2021


Mushikavaahana modaka hastha,
Chaamara karna vilambitha sutra,
Vaamana rupa maheshwara putra,
Vighna vinaayaka paada namasthe

“SALUTATIONS to Lord Ganesha who is Brahman Himself, who is the Supreme Lord, who is the energy of Lord Siva, who is the source of all bliss, and who is the bestower of all virtuous qualities and success in all undertakings.”

Ganesha Chaturthi is a day on which Lord Ganesha makes his presence known on earth for all his devotees; the day is also termed Vinayaka Chaturthi. It is observed in the calendar month of Bhadrapada, starting on the Shukla Chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon) which comes sometime between 20th of August and 15th of September. An important part of the festival is the immersion of the Ganesha statue into tanks, wells and ponds.

Swami Shivananda Recommends:
”On Ganesha Chaturthi, meditate on the stories connected with Lord Ganesha early in the morning, during the Brahmamuhurta period. Then, after taking a bath, go to the temple and do the prayers of Lord Ganesha. Offer Him some coconut and sweet pudding. Pray with faith and devotion that He may remove all the obstacles that you experience on the spiritual path. Worship Him at home, too. Have an image of Lord Ganesha in your house. Feel His Presence in it.

Don’t forget DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON on this day; remember that it behaved unbecomingly towards the Lord. This really means avoid the company of all those who have no faith in God, and who deride God, your Guru or your religion—from this very day. Take fresh spiritual resolves and pray to Lord Ganesha for inner spiritual strength to attain success in all your undertakings.”

Story about not looking at the moon
There is a legend associated with Ganesha Chaturthi, from the Skanda Puranam. Lord Ganesha was once invited for a feast in Chandraloka (the Moon’s abode). Ganesha being fond of sweets, ate laddus till his stomach bloated, so much so that as he got up to walk after the meal, he could not balance himself because of his huge stomach and he slipped and fell. His stomach burst and all the laddus came rolling out. Seeing this, the Moon was highly amused and burst out laughing. Ganesha got angry and cursed the Moon that it would vanish from the Universe.

Because of the Moon’s disappearance, the whole world began to wane. The gods asked Lord Siva to get Ganesha to revoke his curse. The Moon also apologised for his misbehaviour. Finally, Ganesha modified his curse saying that the Moon would be invisible only on one day of the month and would be partially seen on Ganesha Chaturthi. He also added that anyone who looked at the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi would face a false charge. This is the reason why, even today, it is considered inauspicious to look at the moon on Ganesha Chathurthi.


Vakratunda Mahakaya Stotram

Om Gam Ganapathaye Namaha ||

Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya koti Samaprabha |
Nirvighnam Kurumedeva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada ||

Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha is a Prayer to Lord Ganesha, to remove obstacles and bless one with success. Lord Ganesha is prayed to at the beginning of all works as He is the deity who removes obstacles.

"O Lord with Curved Trunk, One with huge body, one with the radiance of a Crore Suns
Please make all my actions Free from troubles"

Vakratunda: Curved/ Twisted Trunk; Vakra=Curved; Tunda=Trunk
Mahakaya = Huge Body; Maha=Great; Kaya=body
SuryaKoti = Crore Suns; Surya=Sun; Koti=Crore (10 million)
Samaprabha = Equal in Radiance; Sama=equal; Prabha=Radiance

Nirvighna = Without Obstacles; Nir=without; Vighna=Trouble
Kuru = (Please) Do
Me: My
Deva = Lord/ God
Sarva = all
Karyeshu = Actions; Karya=Actions
Sarvada = All the time; Sarva = All

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