
16 November 2021

2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 15, 2021—Day Six



On Day 6 of the Deepam Festival the Gods led a procession of the great Shiva Devotees, the Saiva Samaya Acharyas. Ordinarily the procession includes the 63 Nayanars, but due to the limited celebration of this year's Festival on this Day 6 of November 15, 2021, only the four Saiva Samaya Acharyas; (left to right) Tirugnasambandar, Tirunanvukkarasar (Appar), Sundarar and Manikkavasagar were acknowledged.


"The principal teachings of the four Saiva Samaya Acharyas is of love and surrender to God; and of service to God and godly men. Love, devotion, and service to God is the only way one can obtain His Grace. God is One and He is Shiva. Man must get over his bonds which keep him in ignorance in order that he may obtain inseparable union with Shiva through the Lord's Grace."


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