
28 May 2007

Newsletter, June 2007

The June issue of Arunachala Grace News, will be sent out later this day. So if you don't already have your subscription, please rightclick at the subscribe facility underneath the email logo at the lefthand side of this Blog.

Arunachala Grace Network is dedicated to life inclusive of all faiths and people. Last month we were criticised for including two poems of Christian mystics, a long article on Wesak which was dedicated to the Buddha and a Sufi short story. We would point out that in this month's newsletter we have continued our exploration of the involvement of Christianity at Arunachala, and have included alot of information on the excellent Protestant, Arcot Lutheran Church, and the work that they are involved at here at Tiruvannamalai.

In this month's newsletter we also have the usual short story, poems, articles on herbs and several links to WWF ecological reports.

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