
3 June 2007

Different Days

Our current vets, Kim and Rogier, at the Tiruvannamalai Animal Shelter will soon be leaving us and another volunteer (also from Holland) will take charge.

This trip to India was a first for both Kim and Rogier and although they didn't have the time to do much exploring during their tenure at the Animal Shelter, they did manage to experience some of the contrasting life of Tiruvannamalai.

Most of their Arunachala time however was spent either at the Animal Shelter or at their country cottage. Their presence was certainly appreciated by many long staying guests at the Shelter. And although there is no shortage of space, many of our four footed friends try to squeeze together as tightly as possible.

In between playing 'squeeze up', nourishment and meals are also popular times of the day at the Shelter.

Even though dogs are a pack animal and many of these dogs have come from a life on the streets, they all quickly gravitated to the 'people in charge' and Rogier and Kim, were often surrounded by surrendered, happy little dogs.

Maybe because she is Dutch and used to riding everywhere on a bicycle, Kim was undaunted pedalling around Town. And was immediately confident and fearless enough to brave downtown Tiruvannamalai. Here she is hatted, easily nagivating her way around the unpredictable (crazy!) traffic in town.

Kim also took time to show visiting family members and friends around Tiruvannamalai.

The below photograph is of Rogier preparing to take the 'plunge' in the very nice swimming pool at one of our premier hotels, Arunai Anantha.

One day swimming at the pool of our luxury hotel, and the next day taking lunch in a local restaurant in the Ramana Nagar area.

Below is Rogier inside the local restaurant, happily ploughing his way through a nice, tasty lunch.

This is the first time we have a proper Animal Shelter in Tiruvannamalai. And also the first time we have resident vets who obviously care for their wards. Sadly, animal care in India is often regarded as a 'career move' and its not unusual to meet vets who are not completely committed to their work and animals under their care. But obviously when one is able to get vets not only dedicated to their work but who also inspire timid, neglected dogs to respond and trust; well, that's called hitting the jackpot.

Below is Rogier spending time with some of the young 'uns.

Kim and Rogier did in fact attend the 'coming of age' of a young, local girl; who is the girl with the flowers on her head in the middle of the photograph. Our vets thought the function was indeed a grand affair.

Below is a photograph of the country cottage Kim and Rogier have been staying at during their tenure at the Animal Hospital.

Kim and Rogier spent one morning climbing to the top of Arunachala and took some great photographs on their way up. The below is very nice, because you can see the Animal Shelter (in blue with a compound) in the middle of the photograph. At the back of the photograph is part of the receding 600 acre Samudram Lake, which has been mentioned on many earlier postings on this Blog.

Below is young Kim almost at the top of Arunachala. Just a little further to go!

Rogier at the top of Arunachala, standing on darkened, ghee stained stones, where the cauldron is placed at the time of the yearly Karthigai Festival. Now, I wonder where that dog came from?

Looking down from Arunachala, a spectacular photograph of Arunachaleswarar Temple.

There are so many GOOD things to say about having an Animal Shelter at Tiruvannamalai to serve and help neglected, forlorn and needy puppies and adult dogs. If you plan on visiting Tiruvannamalai this season, why not stop by and check out the work the Shelter is doing, and while at the Shelter you can play with some of the adorable puppies and dogs.


  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    news on sparsa resorts progress

  2. Yes, I'm wondering too how the new hotel, Sparsa, Tiruvannamalai, is progressing. Plan to visit and check it out this Wednesday - so expect to post current photographs and full update by Thursday or Friday.
